Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Neither Rain, nor snow, nor cheap metal numbers...

The postal service left us a note in our mailbox saying that we needed to mark our mailbox with our house number.  No problem, I understand that.  But a trip to Lowes and Home Depot showed me that the house numbers were A. BORING and B. UNATTRACTIVE.

Yes, I know - it's only a mailbox.  I get that.  But still, I left thinking there had to be something better.  Later that day during a walk with my husband we strolled past a neighbors yard and I notice he was throwing out some old fence posts.  Which got me thinking of a project I wanted to do - making signs with the mileage to both my kids' states.  So I scooped up the pieces he was throwing out.  They were weathered and wonderful!

And I also noticed that they might also work for our house numbers.  So I printed out our address.  Painted the wood with white paint (after cutting it to length).  .  I used transfer paper to copy the address onto the wood  and then using some left over paint from our front door and filled in the address, outlining it in black.  I sanded and distressed that a bit, and waxed over the whole thing.  I used double stick tape to attach it to the mailbox (and this way I can switch it out when I want to do something else for the holidays, etc.)  What do you think?

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